Abundant Life Wellness Solutions
Natural Health Consultant, Reflexology, & Massage Therapy

Meet the Massage Therapists

Ashley N. Smith, LMT is a licensed massage therapist who believes that something as simple as touch can heal and restore. For her, massage therapy is more than a profession of choice, but a valuable service that she has devoted her hands and time to. It is her purpose to make others aware of, not only the benefits of massage, but of the value of nurturing a healthy lifestyle.

With a blend of Swedish massage, stretching techniques and, when appropriate, moderate deep tissue, each of Ashley’s sessions are created unique to the individual client. Each massage session will encourage relaxation, enhance mobility, increase circulation, help to alleviate discomfort, pain and promote healing. Ashley is looking forward to working with you and becoming a valuable part of your wellness routine.


 Apree Jackson, LMT  

My love and passion for massage therapy started when I was a child no more than 9 years old; I used to play around giving amateur massages to family members and friends. When doing so I would receive many compliments thus giving me the idea to get my license and certification. I graduated February 14, 2012 from Concorde Career College.  Massage is definitely one of my many talents and callings.  I look forward to being of service.